Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tender Mercies

Kristen gets to hold Kiya today--a "skin to skin" hold. Before they would place Kiya in Kristen's hands and Kris would gently hold Kiya on her little bed. During recent visits, Kris was also able to keep her hand on Kiya's little head and bottom. Kiya can already tell her mother's touch and love, as she would calm down during those times, and her heart rate would also lower and settle. There is nothing like the love a parent has for their child.

Being able to physically feel Kiya against her, is such a tender mercy for Kris. So many times she has had an incredible need to hold her precious little baby. This is an answer to many heartfelt prayers for Kris.

Matt continues to be a source of strength for his loved ones. He spends every available second with his daughter. His gentleness and ability to calmly handle life's difficulties is a continual blessing for his family.

We are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for his generous blessings. We are grateful for the wisdom and care from the doctors and nurses. We are grateful to each of you, for your prayers, fasting and loving acts of service. Because of all your unselfish service and kindness, Matt, Kris and their family can accomplish what they need to do.
Grandma Slatter


  1. Beautiful Little kiya...You are one week old and have already endured so much. We are so greatful for your presence. Because of you, families have become closer and stronger. We have had a chance to pull together through prayers and fasting. We have all felt our Heavenly Fathers love for you, your family and all of us.
    We love you Kiya!

  2. Kristen, I cannot imagine how hard that must have been not to be able to hold your sweet baby for so long after having her a part of you for so many months. I am so glad she is well enough for you to feel that beautiful connection. I pray and think about you often.
