Saturday, October 20, 2012

Whoo Hoo 2!

Here is a video of some Kiya's first "steps" in her Kidwalk.  She hates every minute of it, but she is doing so awesome!  I cannot believe she is going to be two years old on Tuesday.  I am so grateful that she is crawling and has her own form of mobility.  This birthday is going to be such a celebration because of it.  I cannot believe it has been two years since we began this journey and I feel a sense of accomplishment to have made it this far.  Things feel so much more "normal" now and our family feels so much more stable.  Mason is back to his old, wonderful, crazy, vivacious self.  Lex is delving deeper into science and his new found passion for minerals and precious stones.  Kiya is progressing at her wonderful pace and is right on track with the terrible two's.  That's right I said it- Kiya has been a bit of a pickle lately.  She likes to see how fast I can run when she forces herself to vomit because I set her down.  She points and screams to let me know what she wants.  She hits me and says no if I dont seem to be getting it.  She has also taken up her own version of fighting with Mason which he seems to enjoy and accelerate.  Overall she is still my amazing, inspiring, positive little girl that melts anyone she meets.
At two here is what kiya can do
1.  Crawl like a bunny (scoots both legs at once behind her)
2.  Bonk her head- sounds funny, but I am excited to see her doing normal kid stuff because she is able to crawl around the house
3.  Drink water pretty well from a sippy and a cup- still not eating orally much
4.  Mimic so many words- even swear words that I am sure she did not hear from me
5.  Hit her brothers and scream when they take a toy
6.  Say Love You, hold you, Manon (Mason), Lek (Lex), blow kisses and so many other things
7.  Give the best hugs and kisses on the face of the earth

Of coarse this is just a small list of things that I want to remember, but we feel so blessed to have Kiya in our home teaching us everyday.  The road is untraveled for us but I am so excited to take the journey with Kiya. We love U!