Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

"Fear not for with God nothing is impossible". Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Sorry for the lack of updates--I had to leave town unexpectedly.

The good News:
Baby Kiya is now 5 lbs 7 Oz's!! Can you believe she made it over the 5 pound mark! That gives us all such hope-doubling her birth weight!

Kiya has been in a crib for a couple of days now. That means she is breathing on her own, with no cannula, and is maintaining her body temperature. She has only had a couple of "A's&B's" since having the cannula removed. We are very excited about her progress! So, no more incubator.

Kiya only has one more tube. That is the tube going through her nose to her stomach. Incredibly, Kris was able to feed Kiya last week. This is monumental, as breathing, eating and swallowing all at the same time is a real hurdle for some babies. Kris just has the magic touch-she was able to get Kiya to feed orally on her first try. Everyone was super happy.

The doctor is happy with the results from Kiya's eye tests. Now that she is off the oxygen we are thrilled and relieved.

We just have a few more hurdles to overcome. They are back to tapping Kiya every day. The hope is that her brain will begin to absorb the surrounding fluid on its own-but Kiya is still working on that one. It was hard to go back to an everyday tap after they had started tapping her every other day.

Kiya has been too sleepy to try and orally feed again. They believe this is due to the pressure on her brain. Kiya has to stay awake while feeding because there is a fear of choking if she falls asleep.

It's great to see them dress Kiya in little outfits. It's a sign of all the progress she has made, but at the same time, a reminder of all the things Mom and Dad are missing out on not having Kiya home.

How thankful we are for the progress that Kiya has made. What a miracle she is. To see a little tiny baby fight that hard to get better is a constant reminder of the human spirit. Through all the tests, pokes, prods and discomforts her will to get healthy is unbelievable. She has a way of making you grateful for things you take for granted each day.

We all look forward to the day that we can kiss, hug and squish Kiya as much as we want. The only time that Kiya will feel a mattress when she gets home, is when she is having her little pants changed. There will be plenty of loving arms to comfort her and hands to attend to her smallest need.

That you again for all your love and support.

We love you Kiya!

Grandma S.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good News!

I just got the news!
Kiya officially weighs 4 lbs 7 oz!
This is day three with no tap!
Oxygen level is now .4 (yesterday was .8)!
The air flow on the cannula remains at "room air"!

A special thanks again to each and every one of you for your prayers and positive thoughts. Kiya is feeling them.

We love you Kiya! (You go girl!!!)

Grandma S.

Sweet Baby

I cannot thank everyone enough for your love and support. Our friends and family have really rallied around us during this difficult time. We especially appreciate all of your prayers and faith. God is hearing our prayers and he is healing our little girl. Everyday is a new adventure. There has been so many ups and downs during this process. No one wants to see there child suffer, but my Kiya is already teaching me without words. Her strength, grace and willingness to accept the challenges that she has faced astounds me. She does not complain and she seems to have an understanding about the whole thing. I know she has angels attending her. My appreciation for my loving heavenly father and my savior Jesus has grown ten fold. I am gaining an understanding of what God gave up when he sent the only son he had to this earth. How much he must have loved us and does love us. We are healing and Kiya is healing through Gods love. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of our purpose on this earth. Kiya is a special spirit and she will do great things. She is doing great things.
My boys are doing well with all the change. Lex has more faith in his little body than most people can ever hope to have. He prayes every night for Kiya that she will come home and that Jesus will heal her. Mason talks about baby sister, but honestly Im not really sure how excited he is about sharing daddy so some things are still normal. Please give all your kids a big hug for me. I know they can be stinkers, but they are such a gift. My life has been changed forever. I can't seem to do normal things anymore like shopping (this has been a blessing for Matt). All I want is for my family to be together at last. This time apart is very difficult, but I know that our family will be together forever one day. What a blessing! Someday I will rock my baby in the pink chair that I bought for her. I will lay her to be in her crib and sing to her as she falls asleep. Until then Jesus and angels will sing her lullabies and cradle her head. I thank you all so much and look forward to showing off my beautiful daughter to all of you one day.

Here is my favorite poem:
Quiet now cobwebs
Dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby
And babies don't keep

Text from Kris

I received this text from Kris on Saturday night:
'Great news. Kiya gained 100 grams. She is down to half a liter and on room air. The best part is they are going to wait on her tap today to let her head grow based on her growth. No apnea spells."

This means Kiya is now 4 lbs!!!! Head taps have been every other day-so this means she got to go at least one extra day.

We love you Kiya.

Grandma S

Friday, December 3, 2010


Sorry it's been so long since a post has been made. Subconsciously, I want to have something great to report, but one is always reminded that we still have so far to go. You want time to speed up, and yet, it's never seemed to go as slow as it has the last few weeks.

Yesterday we had a fright. Kiya completely quit breathing. She was revived with a "bag", and the rest of the day she was back to her little fighting self. Another miracle to add to the list, as the doctors were just making their rounds when Kiya needed help. Once again, how incredibly grateful we are for all the divine intervention and knowledgeable medical care on Kiya's behalf.

The staff at PCMC ascertained that attempts to wean Kiya off of the caffeine were premature. The caffeine was administered through I.V. again and Kiya perked up and made it without incident the rest of Thursday, and today.

After her feeding, Kiya was wide awake and staring at her Mom. Kiya always keeps her head turned in Kristen's direction when Kris talks. Some times it's hard not to think that you are looking at a three month old baby. (albeit a very small one), when you see Kiya respond.

Earlier this week, Kiya was up to 3 lbs 13 oz. It's most likely gone up from there. Kiya definitely prefers sleeping on her tummy. She hates sleeping on her back. All the nurses seem to know that too--(I guess she has a way of letting her wants known!)

Thank you again for all your prayers and concern.

We love you Kiya.

Grandma S.