Saturday, September 22, 2012

This is the closest I am ever going to get to having a pedicure.  Thank you Mason!

 Here is a classic case of babies holding babies.  Kiya has some awesome brothers!
 Mason has devised a way to play with Kiya without actually having to interact with her.  Sisters are fun at high speed.
 Once again Mason has taken advantage of a dirty situation
 Run grandpa run!

Monday, September 10, 2012


The last week has been amazing.  Kiya has been getting in and out of the crawling position with ease.  Sunday night she started scooting one leg and today she crawled!  I am overjoyed and extremely grateful.  The prospect of having to put up a baby gate it so exciting!  Now she can finally get to a toy if she wants one without having to wait for me.  Here is a video of her getting around on her own.  This is going to change our lives and give Kiya so much freedom!!!