Monday, October 25, 2010

October 23, 2010

After a few days without feeling much movement from baby Kiya, Kristen began to worry.  On the afternoon of Saturday, October 23, she and Matt went to the hospital to "make sure everything was OK."  After an unsettling ultrasound test, Matt and Kris received the startling news that they would soon be undergoing an emergency Cesarean section.  Kristen was quickly prepped and within 30 minutes baby Kiya was born.  She had a very white pallor and was instantly surrounded by medical personnel who gave her a blood transfusion and stabilized her condition.  Shortly thereafter, she was transferred to Utah Valley Regional Hospital with Matt.  Unfortunately, she had not been receiving adequate blood supply for several weeks in utero and her organs (mainly heart and brain) did not seem to be functioning properly at her birth.  Matt and Kristen were told that she would remain in the hospital until sometime around her due date.  At this point, not much is really known about her overall health or abilities.  Please pray for a miracle!


  1. I am so sorry!! I am in Singapore this week. Please let me know if Catherine can help with anything.

  2. Thank you for doing this Steph. I have wanted to call and see how Kris and baby were doing but didn't want to add to the stress they are feeling.

    Kris, Matt and Kiya, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Miricles do happen, and we are praying for yours.
