Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy one year old birthday my little baby bird! I cant believe you are one year old! Kiya this last year has been one of the happiest and saddest of my life. The miracles I have seen with you have greatly blessed my life and I have no doubt your Heavenly Father wants you here for a reason. I know you have very important things to do here in this world. Kiya, you have the ability to lift up a sad heart and bring light to darkness. Anyone who has been around you can feel the beautiful spirit you bring. I have to think that the way I feel around you is how it will feel to be with the Savior someday. Just a loving peace, innocence, and beauty you posess. I thank you for that. Through you, I have really been able to feel the love of our Heavenly Father. I know you wont remember your birthday, but I hope you can read this someday and realize how special you truly are. Daddy loves you! I look forward to a great second year with you. Happy Birthday!
Love Daddy

P.S. You are absolutely gorgeous!

Happy Birthday my sweet angel. I cannot believe this day is here. I am so glad that you fought to stay with us. Those who are lucky enough to know you are amazed by your spirit. I know I am in the presence of greatness when I hold you in my arms. You were born with nothing and have given us everything. Watching your courage has been the most amazing learning experience of my life. I would still change everything if I could, but you seem at peace. A simple look from you calms my anxious thoughts. I hope you know the depth of the love I have for you and that I realize the gift. I cannot believe after 100 years of no baby girls, Heavenly Father trusted me with amazing you. My eyes have been opened to a new world filled with amazing kids and parents who have overcome the odds and accept their trials with grace and fortitude. My perspective of whats important is a lot different now. I don't sweat the small stuff because the big stuff is so big. I am so grateful that you haven't had to have a shunt revision since your shunt was placed in January. I am so grateful that your g-tube is working, that you are getting enough nutrition and growing. I am grateful for both modern and unconventional medicine and to live in a country with the best medical access in the world. We have been through so much together in your short life. You have had to endure more than most people do in a lifetime and I sit at your feet in awe. I know you are an angel. You teach me things from a higher place. Even when you were 2 lbs I saw such an amazing life in your tiny body. I will never accept anything but greatness for you. Your daddy and I will do anything to ensure your life is happy. You are in the world, but you are not of the world.

I love you so much -Mommy

A video of amazing you


  1. Hi Kristen, I've just spent the last hour reading through your blog. Your family is so beautiful and I think you are truly amazing! Happy Birthday sweet Kiya!

  2. She's sooooo beautiful Kris, and those letters to her were SO touching (made me cry). Your journey with Kiya reminds me that nothing in the world is more important than family and the Lord. You're wonderful!
