Friday, November 12, 2010

Successful surgery!

The "resevoir" surgery performed on Monday went well. We will have to wait and see how much Kiya will heal on her own. If she isn't able to drain the fluid on her own, a shunt will be inserted when she gets bigger/older.

On a positive note, Kiya is tolerating her feedings. She receives nourishment through two little tiny tubes in her mouth. They are in the process of trying to increase the amount they feed her every three hours. Kiya currently weighs 2 lbs 9 ounces.

On Wednesday, the large breathing tube was removed, and Kiya is now back to the small breathing tubes in her nostrils. It's bittersweet to be able to hear her tiny cries again.

Kiya's is a real trooper. She continues to endure all of her treatments and also continues to progress.

We love you Kiya!


  1. What a sweet baby! We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers, and hope she will continue to get well and be healthy and strong. The Tomlinson's

  2. We are so lucky to have the technology that we do. What a miracle you are!!! A few months a go, a very strong, BIG, boy stood at the pulpit at church. He was a twin...born premature. Only a couple lbs and in the hospital for several months. He is stong and healthy, serving a mission. We are praying that one day (soon) Kiya will be strong and healthy. our love is with you Banzhaf family!!!

  3. Such good news. Keeping our prayers going. We know they are being heard and answered!

  4. This is such great news! Keep the updates coming, she is in the best place possible for her care. You are all in our thoughts!

    Love the Duggins!

  5. What a sweet baby face.
    Everyday your fighting spirit encourages us and we hope our thoughts andvprayers bless you and strengthen you.
    We love you Kristen and Matt, Lex and Mason.
    and beautiful baby Kiya.

    Love to all Uncle Ron and Aunt Jan

  6. So glad the surgery went well. Please keep us updated - I check this blog everyday.
    We love you guys so much!!! Abram and I think about you every day and keep praying things go better and better.

  7. So glad to hear your good news. Thanks for the updates. We love you guys lots!
    <3 Annie
