Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Moving On?

Our house has sold and we should be moving somewhere around June 14th to our new home.  I forgot how much I hate moving so this has been a good reminder.  The one good thing is that when something is lost I can just say "I must have packed it away" instead of admitting to being unorganized. I am still feeling to strange about moving and it doesn't feel real yet.  I went to our new house to have it measured for carpet and definitely felt like I was in someone else's home.  I know it will feel more like our own when I have completely refaced every surface of the house and spent Matts last dime.  It does not take much to make me happy.  This has been a very busy couple of months.  It has been a challenge to keep up with all of Kiyas therapy and doctors appointments while trying to pack the home and plan for the move.  I am pretty sure I packed my last brain cell in one of the boxes so I look forward to finding it when we move.  
Kiyas surgery is scheduled for August 6th so I have had plenty of time to worry about it.  I really cant believe we are going to have to ask her to do another surgery.  She is the sweetest, happiest little girl and should not have to do this.  I hope we are doing the right thing and as usual I feel that there is no choice.  Kiyas mobility has been a struggle lately.  As she gets older (19 months now) and she progresses intellectually, she has a greater desire for more imput from the world around her.  She cries when I set her down and wants to be carried everywhere.  It hurts me to see her stagnant when I know inside she is flying.  I really want to think of a way that she could have some mobility.  Grandpa Squishy is going to help us come up with something great.  I really took for granted what came so easily to my other children.  They could drink a bottle, eat food, bear weight on their arms, bear weight on their legs without extension, they didn't have spasticity or high tone.  They rolled over, grabbed for things they wanted, crawled, sat up, walked and were free to go where they wanted.  I sat around thinking it was all so expected.  I see the world so differently now.  I love every minute of Kiya and also hurt every minute for her. This quote gives me strength because I know that with Kiya anything is possible.  "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emmerson

1 comment:

  1. Not gunna lie, your posts nearly bring me to tears when I read about your love, courage and patience. I gotta stop reading your blog at work! I work at a military base, I absolutely cannot get caught shedding tears at my desk!
