Thursday, March 29, 2012


As many of our wonderful neighbors have noticed we have listed our house.  We live in a multi-level home and we know that it isn't a permanent solution for Kiya.  We want to find a rambler so that she has access to more of the house.  We have been so hesitant to make the move because our neighbors and friends feel like an extension of us.  They have prayed for us, served us and shouldered our burdens.  I know we could not have made it through the last year and a half without them.  Matt and I have made some great friends and we feel like this is home.  I wanted to hide when the for sale sign went up because I knew that we would get a lot of questions from our friends.  It will feel strange to be in a new place with people who have not lived our journey with us.  I also feel a huge sense of sadness that we have to make this decision at all.  I would love to see my baby girl running around, getting into the silverware drawer, eating crumbs off the floor and trying to knock down a baby gate.  Kiya is so smart and I know she wants to move.  It feels really unfair.  How lucky anyone is to have legs and arms that work, eyes that see, ears that hear, brains that are healthy, fluid that drains, and so on.  I cant believe how many of these things I have taken for granted my whole life.  I wish I could give them to Kiya.  Her progress remains slow.  We are still working on sitting and I try to keep my mind from thinking about her age and the months that go by.  My goal is to have her sitting by two so that she could walk by four.  If there is one thing I have learned it is that I can control very little.  How I choose to react is my only real choice.  I wonder sometimes I will ever see her crawl.  It seems as far off right now as a carefree life.  Whatever it is, whatever she can do, I just want her to be happy.
April 11th we will have another CAT scan to see how things look.  We will meet with Neurosurgery and take new head measurements.  I am praying that it has grown.  We truly appreciate all of the fasting and prayers from our family, friends and neighbors.  Now I know the decision is in Gods hands.


  1. Our reaction to life is truly all we have control over. Great reminder. I am anxious for April 11. I am hoping for great news. Also, sorry for the carpooling fiascos. I need to work on my communication. :)

  2. "How I choose to react is my only real choice", an amazing realization we should all remember. Hopefully it will be a while before you move, I need to time to go through all the stages of grief so we can leave on happy terms. ;)

  3. You will be missed! Family comes first. I would do the same too.
