I wanted to have a record of what Kiya is doing at age one since I cannot seem to remember anything and I don't want to forget how she is proving every doctor/statistic wrong.
Things I can do at 1
*I can hold my head up
*I can smile
*I can laugh
*I let mommy and daddy know I want to be held by kicking my legs and whining
*I can grab one foot at a time and hold it for a bit
*I can bear weight on my legs
*I can bear some weight on my arms while they are extended
*I still hate being on my tummy (who wouldn't with a g-tube)
*I can roll to my side and back to my back
*I can mimic mommy and daddy with the following gestures
-shake my head "no no"
-move my mouth up and down while mommy is yapping
-I show anticipatory excitement during peek a boo (a game which no longer scares me)
*I can say baba and dada (I am making mommy work for mama)
*I am kind of a ham and I know everyone adores me
*I can grab toys and bring them midline with both hands
*I can rock back and forth supported
*I like my corner chair and my foam chair
*I can eat 2 tsp of baby food if I am in the mood
( I don't make mommy feel bad when she eats a lot trying to show me how to do it)
*I can give enthusiastic hugs
*I have so many gifts and can make everyone around me smile and feel special!
Goals for this year
*sitting up
*willingness for tummy time
*core strengthening
*improving fine and gross motor skills
*muscle tone strengthening in all areas
*have a desire for toys and a desire to move
*get mommy to lighten up
*hire a housekeeper so mommy looks like a wonder woman
Things I can do at 1
*I can hold my head up
*I can smile
*I can laugh
*I let mommy and daddy know I want to be held by kicking my legs and whining
*I can grab one foot at a time and hold it for a bit
*I can bear weight on my legs
*I can bear some weight on my arms while they are extended
*I still hate being on my tummy (who wouldn't with a g-tube)
*I can roll to my side and back to my back
*I can mimic mommy and daddy with the following gestures
-shake my head "no no"
-move my mouth up and down while mommy is yapping
-I show anticipatory excitement during peek a boo (a game which no longer scares me)
*I can say baba and dada (I am making mommy work for mama)
*I am kind of a ham and I know everyone adores me
*I can grab toys and bring them midline with both hands
*I can rock back and forth supported
*I like my corner chair and my foam chair
*I can eat 2 tsp of baby food if I am in the mood
( I don't make mommy feel bad when she eats a lot trying to show me how to do it)
*I can give enthusiastic hugs
*I have so many gifts and can make everyone around me smile and feel special!
Goals for this year
*sitting up
*willingness for tummy time
*core strengthening
*improving fine and gross motor skills
*muscle tone strengthening in all areas
*have a desire for toys and a desire to move
*get mommy to lighten up
*hire a housekeeper so mommy looks like a wonder woman
Wow! That's quite a list. She is such a fighter and has made such amazing progress. I think it is so neat how socially developed she is. I cannot believe it has been a year (though it may feel longer than that to you). I love how you said you don't know how you ever got along without her.
ReplyDeleteThis post made me smile. I am glad that I am not the only uptight mom who just wants her baby to sit-up and eat...well anything. Cole takes a bite and acts like it is the worst thing ever. He likes the ease and speed of g-tube feedings. If you have any tips on the sitting-up/eating, I am all ears!