Kiya's physical therapist brought us a corner chair for her to sit in. Matt always says "no one puts baby in a corner," but this is doctor ordered. I must say I love the chair. It is so great because I a can sit her down for a minute while I am doing something and she isn't just lying on her back all the time. It also counts as therapy so I get to feel a little less guilt for the day. The corner chair requires her to use her core to stay sitting up. We need her core to be stronger for just about everything that she needs to do. Kiya is 11 months now. Her favorite thing is being "toted," or laying on her back. The chair gives her a new view of the world. Matt says she looks like a school principle and he is constantly apologizing for not finishing his homework. She does look a lot like a school teacher in the chair. It is adorable! I cant wait until she can sit up on her own. She has some tightness in her hamstrings and adductors which may be contributing to her difficulty in sitting. We are doing stretches and I massage her legs with an herbal treatment to stimulate them. On Thursday I went to the Neonatal Follow Up Clinic for Kiya's 9 month appointment (adjusted age.) I saw six different doctors; psychologist, physical therapist, optometrist, audiologist, pediatrician, and the nutritionist. I was at the clinic for six hours. This is a very dreaded appointment for all the moms who have to do it. I was so exhausted by the end of it. Audiology was the last appointment and we went into a high tech sound room. I sat with Kiya on my lap for the study. The audiologist was watching us through a two way mirror. All of the sudden Kiya did her tell tell cough and I lifted her as quickly as I could and held her over her car seat. She threw up everywhere and the doctor came running in. Vomiting unfortunately is a very common thing for Kiya. She threw up today in Lowes. I really wish we could figure out why and I rack my brain day after day in search of the cause. I might suggest a barium study to her pediatrician.
Mason likes preschool because he got to eat cake one of the days. He cries every time I drop him off, but is super happy when I pick him up. His teacher is really sweet with him despite his vocal dislike for everything. On Sunday we attempted nursery. After about 10 minutes the nursery leader came into Sunday school and got Matt. She explained that Mason was very specific and said "get out of your chair and go get my dad." That's my little boy.
Lex seems to like first grade. I really am not in love with him being gone for so long. He hasn't been eating his lunch because he feels it takes away from his recess time. Wish I had a stronger desire to go down a slide than eat. He has told all of his classmates that he will invent a flying bicycle and has invited everyone to come tornado chasing with him.
Thank you Grandma Squishy for taking me to the grocery store and buying me $20 worth of chocolate so I can be nice to everyone.
Kiya's New Chair

Mason wanted the Eva figurine from the movie Wal-e, but I didn't want to pay for it. Here is my cheap skate version made out of a rock. I guess its a step up from when I used to hot glue and staple my clothes together.

This is what happened when I asked lex to help me with some weed removal. Who new Kiya's feeding IV doubled as a trash bag holder.
Six hours at the doctor! I think you can check the marathon off the list, you've done it. I love seeing Kiya sit up. She looks so grown up. Love your fellow weed-picker/mud monster and your ingenious Eva rock-figurine. It seems your talents have no limit.