I am so glad the the warm weather is coming! When you start feeling and looking like Gary Busy it is time to get out of the house. Poor miss Kiya has been sick for the last week. I am so glad that this is her first sickness. It amazes me that she never got sick in the hospital. She has a cold/stomach bug. With a g-tube this means vomiting six to eight times a day. When kids get sick they don't want to eat as much. Unfortunately Kiya is tube fed so the only way she can tell us to not feed her as much is by vomiting. The last while we have been feeding her pedialite through her tube. She has tolerated that very well. We are now introducing milk and formula back into her diet. I am so glad she was just sick. I was worried that there was a problem with the g-tube, or that she might be having another allergy of some sort. Things seem to be getting back to normal. Next week we get her weighed. I hope she is actually on the chart this time. She will definitely not have a weight problem that's for sure. Lex is done with Kindergarten soon. I must say I am glad. I cant believe that he will be in first grade! I myself am on a first grade level so I think things well get pretty interesting next year. Mason continues to let me have it with his personality. He unfolded five loads worth of laundry yesterday and scattered it neatly across my room. I bought some band extensions to see if I wanted to cut real bangs. When I showed Matt he said I looked like Fryar Tuck so I decided against getting them chopped. In June we get to introduce baby food into Kiya's diet. I am really hopeful that she will like it. Right now she takes a very small amount of thickened milk by mouth. She is getting a little more used to the idea of having things in her mouth.
Darling family pic! I love it.