Things are going pretty well. We went for a post op and the doctor was pleased with how Kiya is healing. She recently had her six month check-up. She is in the 5% for height, but is no longer on the chart for weight. We are increasing her volume to try and get her weight where it needs to be. So far it hasn't been going too well. She has increased vomiting when we give her larger amounts of food. We may have to go to a continuous feed at night so that we can get the appropriate amount of calories in her. The physical therapist came today and was impressed with Kiya's progression. She is bringing her hands (mid line) which means to the center of her body. She can also hold some plastic rings and brings things to her mouth. She has almost mastered holding her head up as well. Very exciting stuff! She has been through so much and is proving to be such a champion. Matt and I went out to dinner the other night for the first time in 9 months. We took Kiya with us. It was strange to be out in public again. Everyone had just been living their lives like nothing had happened. Here we are with our whole world totally shaken. It felt good to have her with us. She pooped right as I was going to eat just to make sure that I remembered she comes first. Mason found the tigger Halloween costume. I hope he will take it off soon.
I didn't know they had hospital gowns and pants that small!! What a cute little thing; she can sport anything and still look darling. So glad to hear about the milestones. Hope feedings go better and she is able to gain weight faster. I cannot believe it has been 6 months--no doubt the craziest of your life!