Friday, July 29, 2011

Still Shaking

I put this picture of myself as a baby on the blog once more because there seems to be some confusion as to wether or not Kiya looks like her mama.

I have always been afraid of the day when I would have to replace Kiya's g-tube button. Three days ago the valve on her button stopped working and she was leaking stomach contents. Luckily Matt was home and with my hands shaking I changed out the tube. In order to remove the old button I had to empty the water that inflates the balloon and pull it out. Kiya was so brave. I was really scared to see the open stoma (hole) going into her stomach. I put in the new button and checked for placement and thankfully it was in the right place. AHHHHHH! I am glad to have first experience changing that out over with. I am supposed to change out her button every four months so next time shouldn't be so bad.

Today Kiya got to meet her great grandpa Jerry for the first time. It was such a wonderful day for me. I also got to show her off to aunt Jan and Dena. It has been so hard to have a baby that no-one can see. Especially when she has been "bred for cuteness" as her daddy says. Everyone acknowledged how adorable she was and Kiya seemed to like the attention. I felt so much pride! My family has been such an integral part in our journey and I was so glad so show them how special she is.

Kiya has started to chew when she takes bites of food. This is a big step in the right direction. She still has trouble processing her own saliva, but we feel like she is understanding what she should do when the food goes in her mouth.

I want to thank all of my family once again for the endless support, prayers and encouraging words. Life is too hard to not have the support and company of the ones you love.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My new favorite picture

Kiya in her high chair for the first time

The Many Faces of Mason

Summer has been a lot a fun and I am not looking forward to school being back in session. Lex will be at school all day now which makes his mama really sad. He on the other hand can't wait to be micromanaged by me, but I can't believe that he is already to this point. Time really does go fast.

Mason will be enrolling in a two day a week preschool. I am anticipating phone calls from his teacher on those days. I cannot imagine what he will come up with when I am not around. Hopefully he will learn something since he only interests revolve around Thomas the Train and tangling everything.

Kiya is doing good. We just had her head measured for a helmet as per her PT's request. Due to her two reservoir/shunt surgeries and prematurity. The helmet would be too risky. I am honestly relieved. I cannot put her through one more thing. We will continue to work on head positioning at night. The doctors appointments are slowing down so life is much more "normal." Eating is still slow going and we will begin vibration therapy next week. She is gaining weight well and holding her head really steady. Right now we are working to get her bearing weight on her arms. So far she gets pretty mad at us when we try and make her do it. Perhaps our extreme pampering will come back to bite us.