Kiya has started to smile. It is so fun to see her little face light up. She wakes up so happy in the morning and gives us a big grin. Monday we had a surgery consultation. It looks like we are going to have to have yet another surgery. This time she will have a gastrostomy tube placed in her stomach so that we can feed her directly and bi-pass the throat area. It is a more permanent solution for slow feeders, although it can be removed when she is eating orally. The surgery will last about an hour and we will spend a couple of days at Primary Children's hospital. Part of that time will be spent training me on the new system. It has several different components than the NG tube that she has now. I am a nervous! I am not excited to be spending more time in the hospital. I am really sad to have her inti bated again. She absolutely hates that tube down her throat! Hopefully she can be breathing on her own again shortly after the surgery. The doctors want us to do a nissen which is where they wrap the stomach around the esophogus. Matt and I have decided to only do the g-tube as we don't want to change her anatomy unless its completely necessary. Please keep praying!